


Alluvia Magazine is an up and coming publication and creative collective that centers environmental artists of color. Founded by Zahira Chaudry and Isaias Hernandez this past year, Alluvia has written on topics ranging from how instagramers are ruining public lands to why environmental artists of color should be paid for making their art. GIA MAG sat down for an intimate photoshoot and interview with co-founder Zahira Chaudry to discuss the intersection of art and environmental justice, white supremacy in how environmental movements, and why environmentalism is a queer movement.

From October 20-27, 2019, UC Berkeley’s Queer Alliance & Resource Center (QARC) and Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq) celebrated Asexual Awareness Week, an international campaign that celebrates the asexual community and educates about the complexities and misconceptions about asexuality. Spearheading the seven-day celebration, UC Berkeley sophomore and proud asexual Michelle Lin organized a number of events available to the public, including an Ace 101 Workshop and an Ace Game Night.

Through Prevention, Advocacy, Training, and Healing, the PATH to Care works to create a campus culture at UC Berkeley that is free of sexual violence and sexual harassment. Since 2014, the PATH to Care’s confidential advocates have been one of the primary resources available to survivors seeking services and support. The PATH to Care is unique in its commitment to centering survivors and prioritizing their self determination. In addition to its healing services, the PATH to Care betters the whole UC Berkeley community by working to prevent violence in the first place.

To honor of the origins of our publication, the GIA MAG team sat down for an intimate photoshoot with our namesake, Juniperangelica “Gia” Cordova, and our founder, Teddy Lake. In the accompanying interview, we asked Gia to tell our readers about herself.